Agencies shouldn't be so desperate.
It's a give and take.
Just look at the comments on your post.
Us! Us! Please, pretty please hire us! We're the bestest and the cheapestest!
Apnay muun miyan mithoo much?
Bhaiyon wali advice doon?
Eventually your post will turn into a free-for-all pitch, and agencies will be desperate to participate. Please don't set up that fishmarket. Agencies that will develop a full-scale 'campaign' for you for free at pitch stage are usually either recycling their purana stuff or shortchanging their current clients by making their teams work on new business rather than maintaining current relationships. Do you want that from your future partners?
Instead, chai pe bula lo.
Get to know them. Go through their portfolio, yes - but ask them to show you the stuff that didn't make the final cut. Their wilder, more ambitious ideas that some conservative brand didn't approve. Speak to the creative team. Ask them their favorite movies. Chitchat.
Don't expect them to do a whole performance where they pretend to know everything about your biz & define your marketing strategy - woh bhi aik haftay ki deadline pe.
And if you still can't find the right partners
Akhir call to action kaheen toh aye ga na? This page is a decoy (so meta, much wow) BUT we're actually a legit agency ourselves. We offer balls-to-the-wall IMCs, digital activations, buzzy PR, guerrilla marketing, gari, bangla, cash, etc. Award shaward bhi hain (nonchalant tone). Kabhi chakar lagao?